Saksofonworkshop med Dave Walker

Tou scene, Loftet, tirsdag 4. juni

Workshop: vedlikehold og reparasjon av saksofon

Stavanger Musikkråd inviterer alle distriktets saksofonister til reparasjonsworkshop med den britiske saksofonreparatøren og saksofonmakeren Dave Walker.

Dette skal bidra med praktisk innsikt i hvordan en selv kan vedlikeholde og reparere eget instrument. Her får alle prøvd seg på diverse øvelser – nyttig for alle og enhver.

Dato: Tirsdag 4. juni

Sted: Tou scene (Loftet) Stavanger

Pris: kr 100,-


15:30 -17:30 - Reparasjonsworkshop


18:00 - 19:30 - Forelesning med Dave Walker og Ed Jones

19:30 - 20:00 - Kort konsert med Ed Jones og lokale musikere

Reparasjon av saksofoner

Når Dave først er i Stavanger stiller han også noe tid til disposisjon til reparasjon av treblåsinstrumenter - primært saksofoner, men han kan også ta klarinett. Det er begrenset hvor mange instrumenter han kan rekke å ta service på. Her er det derfor første mann til mølla, så vær tidlig ute med forespørsel.

Arrangementet er sponset av:

  • Stavanger kommune
  • Rogaland musikkråd
  • STAR Rogaland
  • Stavanger jazzforum

Påmelding workshop og meld behov for reparasjon av instrumenter - Klikk her

Dave Walker

Dave Walker

Dave’s instrument support career began in 1981 at the largest music shop the North of England, the renowned RS Kitchens Ltd. Here he quickly progressed becoming the head of the entire brass and woodwind repair department. In 1992 Dave founded All Brass & Woodwind with a pure focus on innovation. His unique approach to instrument design resulted in a long-term collaboration with Geneva Brasswind as their Chief Designer and Technical Director. He was responsible for the innovation, design and production of the next generation of Geneva’s brass and woodwind range which are currently played by some of the World’s top instrumentalists. As part of his role, Dave also worked throughout China and Europe and was responsible for overseeing operations in regard to quality standards and commercial production of his designs.

With his unique approach, detailed expert knowledge and long-established reputation as a problem solver and innovator, Dave continues to deliver lectures internationally and in 2018, received the honorary title of Visiting Professor at Leeds Conservatoire, recognising his expertise and service to instrument design and tonal enhancement.

In his relentless drive to push the boundaries of instrument design, Dave currently works closely with World renowned musicians, analysing their individual styles and producing personalised instruments that reflect their individual requirements aiding their musical journey and development. These unique design skills also reflect a passion and commitment to create bespoke solutions for musicians with specific issues due to illness or injury.